2004 Flight from KKLS

2004 Flight from KKLS
This photo is from when I was flying the airplane out of Longview, WA. This was taken early in the morning..

RV-6 #25188 in flight

RV-6 #25188 in flight
Doug Eves sent this photo of the Ol' girl in flight. Taken from the ground, this is a great shot. You can see he is "relaxing" in his office in the sky...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Getting back into it!

I have started working on the wing again. I am completing the process of drilling the wing tank. Over the weekend I have gotten the wing tank drilled and now I am working on the nutplates that go with it. There are 300 nutplates just for the gas tank and it's access panels. Each nutplate needs 3 holes drilled for it. This tank is supposed to hold gas and I keep drilling more holes into it. Everyone of the holes has to be sealed back up. I am not done yet as I have to drill stiffeners on the bottom skin.

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