2004 Flight from KKLS

2004 Flight from KKLS
This photo is from when I was flying the airplane out of Longview, WA. This was taken early in the morning..

RV-6 #25188 in flight

RV-6 #25188 in flight
Doug Eves sent this photo of the Ol' girl in flight. Taken from the ground, this is a great shot. You can see he is "relaxing" in his office in the sky...

Monday, February 13, 2012


I haven't written much because building the second wing is kind of boring. It's a repeat of the first wing, mirror image. The last couple of months I have been riveting wing skins on, building flaps and ailerons, mouting said flaps and ailerons, installing the pitot tube, wiring, fitting the push/pull tubes and getting last little details attended to before putting the left wing out in the shed.
Now I am fabricating the left wing tip/landing light/stobes. I have the Vans light in the tips and they are not any easier to build then the leading edge light. Lot's of little parts and pieces that don't like to fit.
I have the lense all fabbed up and now I am just starting the process of filling around the edge of the lense so it butts up against the cutout perfectly.
I have also been busy ordering parts like the prop, seat cushions, autopilot and getting my radio firmware updated. Don't sound like much, but there is a lot of time hunting and gathering parts to get the airplane in one spot (in my garage).
I would venture to guess that about a third of the build time is spent actually amassing parts together so you can acutally put them together to resemble an airplane.

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